She's beautiful and looks a little grumpy but everyone loves her.
It's weird though if you ask me because she's kinda like the everyday girl.
You know, those ones that don't wear makeup or spend hours trying to choose an outfit? She's anything but that.

Until I discovered her secret.

She was a YES girl.

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You had a problem, it was Ok for her to help.
You need a ride? She'd go out of her way to give you one.
Your are too sick to show up at work? She'll take the double shift just to cover for you.

She said Yes to all and everything.
For her YES is positivity.
It didn't matter that most of the scenarios were awful.
She always found a way around it.

Until she fell in love.

You'd think her YES Mantra should be even more applicable here. But it wasn't.
Because she said Yes to all and everything, it began to seem as though he took her for granted.

It's unquestionable how much he loved her.

This much she knew, it didn't shake away the feeling of wrongness in her heart though.

She refused to accept this till the day he proposed and she said NO.

For the first time in almost 24 years of her life she had said a definite No and weirdly, it felt good.

It's good to be postive at all times but a little No from time to time don't hurt. Things go great until you realise that there are things Yes can't just make right.

Now she throws in a few No into a million Yes she still says most of the time😂

And when he asked her to be his wife a second time.
She said a bigger Yes than she had said all her life.


Because then things didn't just seem better, things were better. Life was brighter and her postive steak remained alive in her.!

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