POSH changes and thoughts

As some of you may have noticed, we've decided to discontinue the proof of sharing tweets in the daily poshtoken posts due to it being quite similar to what POSH did in the past when automation using Twitter's API's was still working. It showed that it's difficult for people to manually enter their tweets in the daily posts, many may forget or not bother and it ended up being somewhat the same users over and over. One of the goals of that initiative was to encourage more rewarding of mentions of Hive and discussions rather than just sharing your or others posts in a tweet with some times questionable outreach to non-hive users. As a matter of fact, between the announcement of it and the discontinuation, I was the only one in 2 months to have shared a tweet/reply to a tweet where I discuss Hive or a dapp of Hive without a link present, which kind of shows that the initiative failed.

We may in the near future bring it back where we only reward mentions rather than sharing links with emphasis on sharing links in replies to relevant questions/topics. Examples of this would be someone asking something like "How was Hive created?" and someone replying with some text and a link to a post on Hive that properly explains the events that unfolded. Those are the real valuable tweets we want to reward and we'll be going out of our way to reward those really well. There's also been some discussions and plans with @anomadsoul to combine POSH with some Zealy initiatives as they've seen some good results using that tool. We're looking forward to see what we can come up with to further push our ecosystem in front of as many unknowing users as possible.

Other changes regarding POSH.

Some of you may have noticed that poshtoken, through @poshtoken.wallet hasn't been buying up as much POSH lately. This has been a decision partly due to the peak of usage went down a lot after Twitter's API decisions and cause the working Reddit initiative isn't as active as we would've wanted to see. This leaves a majority of delegators earning POSH solely and we're not interested in just buying up POSH so that delegators can trade between POSH and Hive back and forth, rather just undelegate in that case. If you however are interested in continuing to earn POSH tokens through delegations for long term hold, feel free to continue to delegate. Keep in mind that POSH has a limit of 1m tokens that can be created, and we're somewhat passed the 50% mark currently.

Another reason for this is that posh has started for quite a while now to invest in other endeavors, as usual things that it believes will benefit the Hive ecosystem as a whole but at the same time also itself and its holders. POSH will continue to do this as an incubation/kickstarter program of projects in varying sizes, currently busy kickstarting one large project and already has plans in another one shortly after. We're hoping that this and the dividends/shares it receives back from the kickstarting will make holders interested enough to continue to hold posh and at the same time check out the projects it is placing some value in.

We haven't been as communicative about this as we could have, part of this was to keep the project a secret until announcement for the surprise factor, another is that we're just very short-staffed but planning on growing over time as an incubator project with DAO-ish features. As soon as this first project POSH has incubated is announced we will be posting details on funding and value allocation to keep things transparent like we have in the past.

POSH currently holds over 240k POSH it has purchased back from the markets, it has a large amount of stake "in itself" which will count towards future claimdrops from projects it has kickstarted, but among this everyone else holding POSH will be able to take part in the claimdrops/dividends as well. We're excited over what is coming and hope everyone will like our continued attempts to bring value to Hive itself and everyone who participated in earning the token which aimed at bringing as much value to Hive as possible all along while doing it fairly which is quite unique in this day and age. At the same time this will open the doors for some nice marketing to the upcoming projects from over 3500 registered POSH users and over 1500 unique holders of POSH.

All that being said about the changes in POSH's focus lately, proof of sharing will not be forgotten and left to die. Reddit still works and will continue working, web2 changes permitting, and we'll continue to look at other platforms to dip our toes in, such as work done by @hivetrending on mastodon/fediverse.

Thanks for reading and being part of it!

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