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How I met my best friend

There is nobody that can replace a best friend. Not a partner, a parent, a brother or a sister is capable of solely fulfilling that massive role. I have relocated too many times across continents and so, naturally people have come and gone. I like to think that all of these encounters have had a meaning and purpose and that they were all somehow very important for the time being, whether I've realized it or not. This life is all about connecting. And I am so happy that fate connected me to this amazing human being at the age of 30, when most people don't usually expect such important relationships to happen.

My friend Blair in Doubtful Sound, NZ - it was very cold and we were drinking hot cocoa non-stop

Here is the story! I hope it can inspire you to stay open to possibilities and to allow yourself the space to connect the signs when they appear in your life

My husband and I had just moved to Singapore after spending a month in Andalucia, Spain couchsurfing the whole way! We were so grateful for all the wonderful people that hosted us open-heartedly and made our holiday so much fun, that when we moved to Singapore, we decided to give back to the community and so we opened our home to couchsurfers. Accommodation in Singapore is quite expensive, so the number of requests per day was mind-blowing. It was like a part-time job going through all the daily requests and replying to each and one of them. We only hosted on weekends, once or twice a month. We wanted to be able to spend some time with these people, cook for them and above all, we wanted to invite only travelers that seemed interesting and that we could potentially connect well with. Their profile reviews as well the quality of their request was always the determining factor for us.

We met so many beautiful people with incredible stories during these 2 years, some of whom we have also later visited in their hometowns or in other countries. But there was this one time when I guess the universe was aligned so perfectly for this specific encounter to happen...

We had already accepted a couple who had sent us a very lovely request when suddenly my husband insists that I should read this new request that has arrived for that same weekend. I shook my head several times saying that it didn't matter, that we had to honor who we had already invited. But my husband insisted, so I finally gave in and read the message. It said:
"Hey, I think my girlfriend went to high-school with your girlfriend in Albania. Hope you can host us"

Normally, I would never accept someone with such a short, dry and careless request. Heck, we were not a free hostel. Try to impress us a little, hey? But, this was sounding so intriguing to me: to meet someone from my own country through couchsurfing, so far away in Asia, and with whom I apparently went to high-school? Who was this person? I looked at the pictures and the name but I couldn't recognize her. Suddenly, I was VERY excited and for the first time ever we cancelled on our already accepted guests. I am very thankful that I went against my own standards to allow these events to unfold.

They arrived with giant beer bottles from Cambodia as a present (super score!), a very charming personality and many stories to share with us. We spent 3 wonderful days around Singapore getting to know each other and learned that we had so much in common. This couple were on a journey around the world, which was soon ending and they were on their way to relocating to NZ. They had both been working as CPAs in the US (just like me) and had quit their jobs on the same exact day as myself (Sept. 10th, 2012) to start their trip around the world (whereas I moved to S. Korea on that same day). The boys were both from the Midwest and Blair and I were both from Albania and although from different regions, we went to the same high school. Whoa! There was so much excitement those days and so much to share. Of course, similarities mean nothing if that special connection between people is not there. But then and there a friendship and a special bond was born. I found my best friend, when I wasn't even looking for her. We had never exchanged any words together back in high school because we attended different classes, but that's ok, because it was meant to happen this other way.

Fast forward some years later and these people have become like family. I couldn't imagine my life anymore without them in it. Although at different corners of the world, for the past 4.5 years, we all have made a constant effort to see each-other. We went to visit them in their new home in NZ and traveled with them through both islands. We went to their wedding in Bali and later traveled together to Albania. And all thanks to traveling, to couchsurfing and saying "yes" to a strange and non-friendly request.

Blair & I in trekking in Albania

Goofing off

Thanks for reading!! What do you guys think of Couchsurfing? Have you ever tried it or does that seem too sketchy? Have you had any good or bad experiences by hosting or staying with strangers? Let me know what you think :)