PortmanTuesdays #26




1: a facade you put up to make it seem that you are in tune with the trend.
2: a brave face you put on when you just can't even.

And... that's... a wrap!

For 2018 and this semi-regular series (eek gahd! :O ) Stay tuned for more updates on where this series will go from here. I wanted to put up a separate year-ender post, but I feel like this is a good a place as any to write a short recap.

This may not be as creative as the one I did two years ago or as detailed as the one I put up last year, but I think this perfectly sums up my year in and out of Steemit.

It has been a blast! I got married to the love of my life, my career had as many twists and turns as a mystery novel (or the crypto market a-yo!) and I went through several major challenges in my life.

To say that 2018 was memorable is an understatement. I couldn't remember a year that I wanted to hold on to (or at least not be in a hurry to close out) in recent memory. We don't know what state this platform of ours will be at a year from now, but it's important to remember to make every day memorable, worth something, and, most especially, count.

So, to everyone who had been a part of my 2018, no matter how small, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Words alone can't express how grateful I am to have you in my life (yes, even the negative).

I've intentionally posted this before the end of the year (so techically a Monday here) because I didn't want this to be another scheduled post.

Have a Happy New Year, everyone! Come at me, 2019!

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