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Best thing ever: Yoda-Speak via laziness. ALSO: Pornhub/Verge, & u guessed it, Taxes. Always with the taxes, Fly. Oy.

First off: Just a silly thing that makes me smile, but what the heck, thought I would share... While texting, I will often use voice recognition via the talking-robot-app, Siri, on my iPhone. When Siri screws up the voice recognition - (usually after having it right - I'm sure you have the same experience), I then re-say the thing I said, Siri usually gets it right the second time and sticks it at the end of what was there. I then go back and delete the garbled words and I think it is fun - and just quicker, to send it kind of flip-flopped like that, but this usually turns it into Yoda speak - which is fucking awesome. LOL.

Here's an example:

I Siri'd: "Does it keep a charge?" (Pronouncing the words "question mark" for the ?)

Which was captured correctly and then changed to: "Doesn't keep a charge?"

I repeat "Does it?"

...and after my lazy-man backwardness-inducing deletion it reads: "Keep a charge does it?". (Preferably read in a Yoda voice.)

Maybe Yoda has an iPhone? Lol.

And now a Vergecoin story! I named my new Hybrid RAV4 "Vergecoin" - and THEN the Mindgeek-a.k.a.-Pornhub-thing happened. Suddenly Pornhub and Vergecoin started driving around in those black Lambos and other amazing cars emblazoned with both logos to promote the event - suddenly, my RAV4's name came to mean something completely different. Oh noooooo!!! Now what? (I know what your thinking, "he said came". Stop it. Right now. Lol.) Anyway, I refuse to stop calling it Vergecoin but I will admit, I am using its nickname more often these days. "XVG".


Anyway, Pornhub-thing is kinda huge, you have to admit, there are a lot of eyes on that site everyday and the ONLY crypto currency Pornhub will accept is Vergecoin. This will raise awareness of crypto enormously in my opinion, and especially Vergecoin.

Why did Pornhub choose Vergecoin? Apparently they like the privacy aspect of the coin. It is a really interesting case of practicality - just use one coin and make it a privacy coin just in case you want that. This is a very practical real-world issue that a privacy based cryptocurrency solves. The only person that needs to know is the IRS, because, of course: Spending your verge is a taxable event, oh yes...

Crypto Taxes: Going forward, every single one of my crypto-related posts regarding cryptocurrency will have at least some mention of the IRS and crypto-taxes. I feel very strongly that people in the community need to be told, and re-told, and told again, at every possible opportunity, to be aware of EXACTLY what they are getting into, in regards to the cost and very real liability of these taxes.

And in fact, I feel all the you-tubers and others have done us all a great disservice by NOT harping on this very critical issue, taxes very easily can wipe you out financially: Every crypto-to-crypto transaction is a taxable event. Did you know that short term capital gains are 35% plus state income tax? This can be huge, especially if coins drop after you traded at very high prices. I simply cannot over-emphasize how financially ruinous this can be for you. So here is a warning: Learn and be very aware of your tax liability as you go, be very careful to not skip this process AS YOU GO. This is not investment advice but it is a stern warning. Be very careful.

There are many excellent articles out there where you can very easily learn more. Do it right. Good luck.
