Poloniex lost my money and coins.

Loosing your assets with Poloniex is quite common apparently?!

I have to admit, I've only just got back into the crypto world from a 2 year break and decided to trade again. I got some much needed catch-up reading done and opened a few accounts on exchanges, ready to start trading. One of these accounts is with Poloniex.

I decided to transfer a small amount ($1,000 BTS) to my poloniex account, which turned up fine. And so, I sent more $5,000 worth. Got to Poloniex deposit wallet to check a few hours later and..... Nothing arrived. Waited 24hrs and still nothing.

Now I know things can take time after reading the struggles with Bitcoin transaction times but 2 days had past and I still had nothing. Yes, I peed myself. Of course, a support ticket was raised. But I later learn, it takes them, on average 2 month to respond! Yes 2 frigin month.

I desperately needed to know WTF had happened and I can't be the only person who has experienced this headache.
After lots of reading on various forums, here is what I've found in a majority user pattern:

  1. Any coin can get lost.

  2. Poloniex has suffered alot of DDOS attacks. This is the reason for the disappearance of assets.

  3. They are inundated with support tickes.

  4. They have a very big user base that are loyal.

  5. Twitter account is quite active with updates. Shows there commitment on updates. +1

  6. Majority of the unfortunate who posted their concerns on various forums, did report back claiming their asset's had arrived, EVENTUALLY; Other users also report delays of up to 2 months!

On the 3rd day: I see it on Poloniex. My coins had arrived. Relief.
I goto admit, though there are allot of you out there who is suffering the disappearance money, my research tells me, you will get your lost crypto back but unfortunately, no-one can tell you when.

I hope my story was of any use to you and please, do let me know your experience and see if we can help others.


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