I thought I couldn't make a difference because I was too small. (Greta Thunberg)

You might think whatever you want to about Greta Thunberg. But, no matter what you think, I have a feeling that this girl has received way more attention than you have in the last couple of years. Do you know why? Because she is beautiful? No! Because she has a fantastic voice? No! Because she has rich parents? No! Because she has a sexy boyfriend? No!

So, what has made Greta Thunberg famous? Why is it that she has spoken to world leaders several times, even though she is only a Swedish teenager?


The reason is simple! Because she didn't listen to the law that say that small people cannot do a thing. Because she dared to stand up for change, dared to speak and say things that might not be popular everywhere, and she took action! She didn't care about what everyone would think. Instead, she saw a problem, and she decided to pick up the fight.

But, what can a Swedish girl do against pollution and global warming? Not much, you might say! But still, this girl has put pressure on world leaders and she has made sure that millions of people have opened their eyes to the problems our world is facing.

We can't just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow.

The quote above is also from Greta Thunberg. It is serious! The world is changing, the climate is changing, and we can see it just by looking at the extreme weather conditions surrounding us.

Maybe you feel small and inferior, just like Greta Thunberg did. But, start with what you have, and do your uttermost to create a chance around you! We are all important if we want to see a happy end to the story we are living!

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