Indonesia Does Not Follow Religious Politics

A small portion of Indonesian people still dream of a leadership based on religion, especially Islam as the majority religion. However, in fact, the Indonesian people do not want an Islamic leadership system like the Caliphate or the Saudi Arabian model. Indonesia adheres to Pancasila democracy which makes belief in God the main foundation.

All religions are valid in Indonesia, even a small portion of society still adheres to the teachings of their ancestors, which have a bit of animism and dynamism. However, all beliefs in God are acceptable in Indonesia.

Unfortunately, there is a small group of people, most of whom are affiliated with groups abroad, especially the Middle East, who take issue with this diversity. They formed a movement to uphold Islamic law and the caliphate in Indonesia. The government strictly prohibits this movement. HTI, which clearly wanted to uphold the caliphate, was suppressed. FPI which was indicated to support HTI was also frozen by the state.

However, members of this group still exist because the government does not punish them and arrest them. They are still spreading anti-Pancasila and anti-democracy beliefs. There are some of them who are illegal followers of election participants in several Islamic parties, but their characteristics are very visible.

One of their characteristics is that they consider presidential candidates or members of political opposition to be irreligious. They consider their idol figures to be the most religious and without sin. This group is very anti the current government.

They provoke their followers with Islamic labels. If you don't choose A then it is not Islamic. Since 2014, this group has always lost in general elections. Their presidential candidates are always eliminated from the competition.

And in 2024, the nationalist group won again with a big win with 58.8% of the vote. Where else can this group go? They won't die. They will be there and continue to build networks. The public must know that this group will metamorphose because their agenda always fails.

One of the popular agendas of this group is to attract young people by holding events with the theme "Hijrah". Themes like this attract young people because they seem modern. But remember, the content of this theme is indoctrination for old and new followers.

Therefore, in conclusion, the Indonesian people must maintain the identity of Pancasila. Pancasila accepts diversity and peace. If there is a group that brings themes that lead you to follow a certain teaching then be careful. Save Indonesia from radicalism by remaining a cultural and diverse Indonesia!

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