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Unfortunately Putin is not the saviour

Today most people see the US as the root of the world's evil. At a closer look many realize that the US government has been hijacked by Jews or so called Jewish and non-Jewish Zionists, hence it's often referred to as the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government). The ZOG is behind the bloody and illegal coup in Ukraine, where 170 people on both sides had been murdered by snipers. It's widely accepted as a fact and Obama basically admitted it:
So it makes sense that Russia securing Crimea was an appropriate measureby Putin to counter US aggression.

Most people also see that the Syrian war is not a civil war by Syrians vs Syrians but another USraeli plot. Those who dug deeper understand that the ZOG uses mercenaries to attack Assad's Syria. A fair amount of people realize that today's axis of evil are the governments of Israel, the US, Saudi-Arabia, to a lesser extent the UK and even lesser the vassal states of the EU. And that Mossad / CIA created ISIS, the US arms ISIS and Saudi-Arabia and some other Gulf States provide manpower and fund them. All that while the US is pretending to hunt ISIS!
Also here Putin is seen as the good anti-NWO guy who tries to fight vicious attacks on his ally Syria.

But is what we're witnessing on the news really true? I say no. Consider following points:
Putin installed laws against Holocaust denial.
Putin knows that the US is behind the EU sanctions against Russia but he didn't counter-sanction the US.
Putin "helps" the East-Ukrainians and the Syrians only reluctantly while the killing goes on and on.
The US behaves so aggressively towards a power with so many nukes? Compare that to US vs North-Korea.
RT produces tons of mass-immigration-friendly videos even though it's known that only a fraction are real refugees.
RT didn't expose the 9/11 PNAC inside Jew job besides one time in the Truthseeker series as an American false flag. To 99% they reported 9/11 as genuine terrorism. Remember that RT is Russian state television.
RT never exposed victimless crisis actor hoaxes like the Boston bombings, Charlie Hebdo, the Paris Bataclan attacks, the Brussels airport bombings, the Orlando Pulse shooting, the Nice truck incident and the Munich McDonald's shooting (to name a few). Thx to youtube channels Peekay truth and How I see the world, we know for sure that all of these events were staged. But Putin doesn't know this? LOL.

The shadow governments of the US and Russia, the Ameri- and the Ruski-Jews are working closely together. They have decided that because of the economic downturn due to their usury, the world is only governable with war, fake terrorism and WW3 fear porn. Still full of hate because Hitler bravely defended Germany and Europe, they now are executing the insane Kalergi Plan. The mass-immigration weapon shall transform Europe into a 3rd world continent with a race-mixed Mulatto population. Jews own 97% of world's media and that's why this atrocity hasn't been exposed besides on small youtube channels.
Sinead O'Connor (shoah'ed youtube channel Shiksa Goddess, now new channel Goyim Goddess) and Chris Dorsey (youtube channel Richmond Peace) knew about the whole scam all along. Sinead made a great video exposing Putin for the fraud he is:
Remember, Europe has no friends in world governments and Europe's politicians are all bought and paid for. That's how bad it really is.