Questions for Trump Voters


Tedious subject, but inescapable and because I’m losing sleep over it... need to Go There.

What’s with people who are voting Trump, again?

What does it take, after he’s shown us who he is, to set aside all his divisive hate and colossal pettiness and endorse him, once more?

Is it a lack of intelligence or compassion or both?

The elderly (too set in their ways) and uneducated (uninformed) I can almost excuse... But, what about the young and savvy: have they fallen for the propaganda, too, or are they simply selfish and just do not care about the suffering of others?

Is America First a euphemism for Me First and to hell with everyone else?

Do these round-two Trump voters secretly recognize the misogyny and racism and Islamophobia and xenophobia in their own souls and, in turn, excuse it in their Supreme Leader?

I realize Trump is a symptom. The disease is indifference, fear, bigotry... He just made it ‘socially acceptable’ to think/behave in ways that are vulgar, cruel and ugly.

Also, it saddens me to think that the worship of Money (by any means necessary) also plays a big part in Trump’s enduring appeal for some...

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