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Seth Moulton Calls For America's Youth To Serve: How Propaganda Works


Presidential candidate, Seth Moulton recently posted a Twitter thread calling for America's youth to serve our country.



So initially, what he's saying is "Hey kids!! Want free college? Then join the military!!". This is how the Military Industrial Complex tries to recruit today's youth, while in every other developed country, they have free or more affordable college tuition. It's almost like our system is designed in a way that the only way to obtain a free college education is to be a part of the war machine. Imagine if Seth here had said "Hey kids!! We want you to throw your lives away so oil companies and weapons manufacturers can make profits. Want free college? Why not sign up and become a terrorist today. Oh also there are roughly 37,800 homeless veterans on the street so don't expect too much when and if you survive any of our wars.". It would be more honest, but that won't bring in any new recruits, and how the hell do you plan to fight a war with Iran and Venezuela without recruits?

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