A tale of two pics- fed instigators at the Sep18 honeypot


Apologies for the use of racist language. The bulk of the commentary is drawn from 4chan, a bastion of free but potentially offensive speech See my earlier post Putting on your hip boots and wading through 4chan for data. In this case. the term with the most offensive potential is "glo nigger" ( also " glowie") , a term derived from anti-Deep State martyr Terry Davis

The two pics under discussion involve undercover feds at the sept 18 rally we all knew was a honey trap


Pic 1 - Antifa with a badge

some 4chan discussion...

The first pic is generally considered as the more important to focus on



  • talking re the second pic


which led to the discussion of who they were...

and why they might be serious in their contempt for real Americans

this has all been done before...

no idea where this pic came from, if you know, speak up

#a nd by the same people...

I tend to agree with the general idea this will backfire on these pompous and incompetent komisars, the self-proclaimed "elite"...

Privately organizing, gee, where have I heard that before???😁

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