On the Lies of 9/11


Image Credit: Russ Donegan


I would venture to guess 99% of the general public don’t know the basics of what happened on September 11th, 2001. I would further guess that 80% of ‘truth’ seekers don’t know the basics of what happened that day. Lastly I assume there are intelligence agencies and intelligence assets that are promoting and living lies. They’re probably many, are paid well and live amongst us.

On Lying

I’m sure proficient lying is ingrained in the culture of government intelligence agencies and standard protocol for covert operations. It would seem to me that those that are living a lie must have some conscience or at least some sense of bad karma. Sure many ordinary people lie, but fewer are habitual liars and even fewer live a lie. It is natural in society to covet truth as a matter of decency and to improve social interactions. There cannot be justice based on falsehoods and truth is one of the foundations of natural law.

Many may think the ends justify the means and so lying might be acceptable, but what are these ends? To have wars for peace? Use lies to build an honest society? Does that make sense? Why not have peace and honesty today? There are surely better ways with less karmic consequences than living and promoting lies. Maybe some insiders are trapped and can’t find a way out. Maybe it’s just the blood oath you take to be part of the global empire of lies. 9/11 is probably just one of many big lies throughout our modern history so why rock the boat when there is so little to gain and much to lose. Maybe the money is too good. Maybe bad karma is just the price.

Truth And the Steemit Blockchain

The Steem blockchain is great because it’s unhackable, immutable and censorship resistant. The history of all that is written on it will be permanently etched on the blockchain and cannot be altered. So which side of the immutable blockchain history do people want to be on? There will be truth and honest people. There will be lies and liars. It will be for all to see and future generations to judge.

Steemit is a great example of an open community. Yes there will always be some level of lying and deceit, but the openness of our platform promotes a truthful culture. There are going to be those among governments and the powers that be who will continue to focus resources on maintaining the empire of lies. Leave them be. In the meantime, let’s build our own empire based on truth, honesty, integrity and openness on this blockchain. If we do we’ll have a bright future ahead.

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