A Response to - Trump Will NEVER Be MY President! Active Resistance!

@terryrall ,
My response to your post is long so I thought I would make a post and just link it. I have a lot of questions and think it would show great character on your part if you checked out my response and made one back so your followers and myself can fully understand your position on this subject better.

I'm going to be going thru your post and posting quotes with my questions or points and then at the end I will add my main questions and thoughts. So thank you for reading my response and cant wait to hear back from you @terryrall .

Trump Will NEVER Be MY President! Active Resistance!
by terryrall in politics

As we finish out Phase 3, we will see how Phase 4 pans out!-{terryrall}-
Yes, Yes we will.
If Clinton wins we will continue our 'bloodless' Revolution-{terryrall}-
So even if the never trump movment is secusuful and you get Hillary, The never trump movment revolution will continue?
and push for our Platform Planks to be inacted -{terryrall}-
platform planks? I'm guessing but maby agenda? What is the never trumps agenda if he isn't elected and how are you planning to push you agenda it to be inacted?
Non-violent prosperity driven movement forward!-{terryrall}-
How is the never trump movement driven by prosperity?

If Trump actually wins then we go into what I call 'Active Resistance'.-{terryrall}-
If you don't get your way your going to throw a fit like a 3yr old?
We will REFUSE to accept him as our president -{terryrall}-
What you choose to accept does not change reality.
and we will go absolutely against EVERYTHING , he and his stupid followers try to do. -{terryrall}-
How will you go against anything? The never trump movement is a small % of the population. You should have made it "stupid doo-doo head followers", It is about the same level of maturity.
If he defaults the debt or drops a nuclear bomb we will BACK the military to forcefully eject him from office.-{terryrall}-
Where did you get the ideas he is going to default the debt or drop nukes? It has already been said by Russia that if hillary becomes president that WW3 will begin. Can you please provide any links to show where you are getting the ideas that trump wants default of the debt or to drop nukes?
We will make EVERY attempt to push a 'Dick Nixon' on him, and force him to resign the office of the President!-{terryrall}-
You have to have proof that he commited a crime, You cant impeach someone just because you don't like them.

As I have said before...MY side is also excersising OUR 2nd Amendment Rights to 'arm up'.-{terryrall}-
Your "side" is a small % of the population but good its your right to own a gun and you will keep that right under president trump but You will lose that right if Hillary becomes president. understand?
To Trumpeteers, This is NOT shooting 'peace niks' in a barrel!-{terryrall}-
Why do you think trump supporters want to shoot you? Projection maybe? Unless your breaking into houses or attacking people why would you think someone is going to shoot you?
We WILL defend ourselves!-{terryrall}-
Defend yourself from what and who do you think will be attacking you?
I know you just 'hate' it when I tell you we plan on taking you on , & NOT running and hiding like you want us to do!-{terryrall}-
You did not say till now, you will be taking on trump supporters if trump is voted into office. Where are you getting this information that trump supporters want you to run and hide? How are you going to know who voted for trump and who didnt after he is elected in this plan of yours? Are you going to take on all trump supporters, cops and national guard ect?
We will NOT be moved!-{terryrall}-
Moved how? who is trying to move you and why?

Young people! Burn your 'draft' card because we are NOT going to be letting you go to fight Trump's Wars!-{terryrall}-
But Clintons wars are ok? How are you going to stop young people that want to join the military? most people don't want to get drafted.
Active duty service people, not to worry because we will NOT let Trump send you to some nuclear 'fall out' zone! It's not happening!-{terryrall}-
where are you getting information that trump is going to send military to "fall out" zones? how would you stop trump from sending them if he did do it?

So why even TRY to put him in?-{terryrall}-
Because people want to? What gives you the right to tell people they cant have the president they voted for if elected?
We refuse to accept him as president of our nation, and we will actively work to bring his downfall into being!-{terryrall}-
what you choose to accept does not change anything, and what are you going to do to bring his downfall?
If you resist us, we will reduce you to nothing!-{terryrall}-
lol, No, fuck you. You do not have the ability to do anything. Everyone can resist you no matter what it is on, if they choose to. How are you going to reduce trump suporters to nothing? your talking about a small movement (never trump) trying to take on the rest of the USA.
If you try to march through our cities with arms, we will STOP you!-{terryrall}-
Why would trump supporters be marching in the streets? if someone is legally armed your saying you are going to use force? Your use of force gives people the right to defend them self, you will be in the wrong and they will be in the right if it is defence.
What we are willing to do is unfathomable for you to imagine!-{terryrall}-
Oh, I'm sure you can throw a huge tantrum but its not going to affect anyone but yourself. Can you imagine how quick you will get dropped if you try to do something stupid?
People thought the 60's were bad?!-{terryrall}-
I would say they were better then the late 30's right?
What we plan to do will make the 60's protests look like a 'baby shower'!-{terryrall}-
What will your protests accomplish? what is the goal of them? they aren't going to get trump to leave office.

So even if you win, you STILL lose!-{terryrall}-
What makes you think you can win if you already lost? How will your destroying and violence solve anything? why is it that if you don't get your way you think it is acceptable to act like a 3yr and try to throw a fit till you get what you want?
We will NOT allow our country to become a Fascist State!-{terryrall}-
How is electing Hillary not making our county a fascist state and how is Trump going to make it one? do you even understand what a fascist is? Your sure talking like one.
Get ready to meet HEAVY RESISTANCE like you have NEVER seen in your lives!-{terryrall}-
Maybe you should take you own advice. Do you realize the amount of resistance you will be up against?

I have so many more questions but I will ask them after you answer what I have already asked. if you even can .lol
Cant wait to hear back from you so I can fully understand.

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