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Leftists and Rightists are caused by the Dunning Kruger Effect.

The political push for a more controlled economy, in any form, politically right or left, I believe is primarily rooted in the Dunning Kruger Effect. This is a psychological phenomena by which people with less understanding, and less capability believe themselves to be far more capable than those who have greater understanding and greater capability. The reason this occurs is that those with lesser understanding do not have the cognitive tools to actually understand how little they understand, so they believe themselves far more capable.

This is basically the root of the existence of polarized Left and Right political spectrum, which is a fight over how to control the economy.

These politically polarized people see problems in the world and they think, "Well I can fix this! Just give me the force of government to make it correct because I know what to do!" When really they just have absolutely no idea whatsoever. If they actually knew how to better manage and distribute resources, how to better organize and direct people. Then they could register a private business and then grow that businesses cash flow and accomplish the end result they desire through privatized voluntary means. The fact that someone turns to government force in order force a solution is a testament to the fact they do not actually know how to better manage resource and people.

I don't think it requires much explanation to assert that the modern world is so complex and massive that no human could comprehend how to directly control it. You would need a PhD level understanding of every discipline of engineering combined with deep experience in oversight of corporate infrastructure at a scale larger than any existing corporation. The notion of a person being able to comprehend that much, or a group of people being able to organize to oversee that much is just ridiculous. The notion of creating a super intelligent AI to do this I think is amusing, but belief in ones capacity to create such an AI is just another form of the Dunning Kruger Effect. In full recognition of the level of mass chaos, complexity and incomprehensibility of the modern world I think it becomes obvious that we can only ever know much much less than we do know. Due to this, it requires a much more of a hands off approach. Enforce basic individual rights as much as possible, because I think everyone agrees getting murdered, robbed or raped is bad. But asserting much farther than that in the context of Government authority, I think one is easily entering into the Dunning Kruger Effect.

The polarized Right and Left are seemingly hitting the war drum at increasingly neurotic levels to try and confuse people. I personally think this is occurring because they got bored and are trying to entertain themselves in a sadistic way. In this wave of misguided bored people reanimating the notions of old angry dead dudes whose philosophies ended up murdering millions of innocents, on both the left and the right. It's important to not forget the notion of an uncontrolled economy. The notion that we don't need to march on anyone with guns to improve the world. That people peacefully creating value, respecting each others basic individual rights, has been and still is the way forward. That we don't want to move left or right, we need to move up, in the context of Nolan spectrum, we need to move up and out authoritative government control. Leftist or Rightist should be considered the same the direction, both of them are Downists. The proper ideal is to be an Upist.

I feel this could be turned into a hashtag of some sort.
