BREAKING NEWS : The President of The Republic of Mauritius Resigns!!!

Hello my lovely friends of the world of Steemit!

I normally post on food but today i have to share this news with the world of Steemit...

Africa's only female president has finally resigned from her post earlier today after being tainted with a charity money scandal!!!

When Ameenah Gurib-Fakim was nominated as president in 2015, the whole country was so proud to have a woman as president! She was in fact the first woman in whole Africa to hold such a position!

It has been alleged that she made personal purchases worth thousands of dollars with a credit card provided by an NGO - namely Planet Earth Institute!

Planet Earth Institute founder is non other than Alvaro Sobrinho, former president of Banco Espírito Santo Angola (BESA) who is suspected of having diverted 500 million dollars from the Angolan bank!
He is being investigated in Switzerland and Portugal for suspected fraud!

After refusing to resign some days back, stating that she used that credit card by mistake, she finally submitted her resignation today to bring down the curtain on this saga that gripped the country for weeks!

But still a lot of questions are without answers for the moment...

  • How come someone like Alvaro Sobrinho who was already being suspected in his own country for a huge scandal get the permits to make business in Mauritius?
  • How can a president be friend with someone on whom there's international investigation going on?
  • How many people have benefited from that man illegally?
  • Why Ameenah Gurib-Fakim first refused to resign?
  • For who were bought the 7 luxurious cars by Alvaro Sobrinho?
  • How Alvaro Sobrinho got the license to purchase 12 luxurious villas in Mauritius?

And many more shadows over all this saga...

In the days to come, we are sure to assist/discover some revelations maybe from the ex- President herself as she will be no more connected to anyone politically!

This scandal is really very bad for the overall image of Mauritius and the repercussions will surely be felt soon!

Anyway, this saga is already on all news channels of the world and this is just the beginning!

If anyone among you knows anything on this man or his business or anything related to this saga, please do share it below in the comment section for us to know more!

Thank you!

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