Political Mythology 101 (Part One)

Below are just some of the things we were taught to believe in and repeat which are part of the widely accepted mythology relating to politics and government, together with explanations of why such concepts and terms are inherently bogus and inaccurate.

Myth #1: “Representative Government”

Disproof: Someone who actually represents you—who acts on your behalf—would only have the right to do things which you have the right to do yourself. Those in "government" pretend to have the right to do countless things that you yourself have no right to do, while (bizarrely) claiming that you gave them that right. Also, one who actually represented you obviously would not have the right to boss you around and demand money from you under threat of caging you if you disobey or resist—a right those in power claim to have.

Myth #2: “Consent of the Governed”

Disproof: To “consent” means to voluntarily agree to something. To “govern” means to coercively control. The two are mutually exclusive. The term “consent of the governed” therefore makes no more sense than “voluntary slave.” Additionally, someone else obviously cannot “consent” on your behalf for you to be enslaved. If you didn’t individually, specifically and freely agree to something yourself, that is not consent.

Myth #3: “Voting Constitutes Consent”

Disproof: Being given the choice of which individual or gang will forcibly extort and dominate you (with "none of the above" not being an option) does not mean that you are free, and does not mean that you agreed to be robbed and controlled.

Myth #4: “We Gave Them Their Power”

Disproof: There is no ritual or document through which any number of people can delegate to others rights that none of them had to begin with. For example, ten people who have no right to commit murder cannot give to someone else the right to commit murder. Therefore, if those in power have rights that you don’t, they obviously didn’t get such rights from you.

Myth #5: “Democracy is Freedom”

Disproof: Gang rape is democracy in action—a majority forcing its will on a minority. Even if political elections actually represented the will of the majority (which they don’t), democracy would be inherently violent, immoral and illegitimate. Political voting is always about a majority forcing its will on a minority. Even if theoretically that left the majority in freedom (which it never actually does), obviously the minority would not be free.

Myth #6: “Constitutional Republics are Good”

Disproof: The Soviet Union, Communist China, North Korea, and the Weimar Republic (which gave rise to Nazi Germany) are/were all democratically-elected constitutional republics, each with its own version of a “bill of rights.” (The constitutions of all of them are easy to find online.) Democratically-elected constitutional republics have been the most destructive, murderous institutions in the history of the world.

Myth #7: “Servant Government”

Disproof: If there is a group of people that tells you what to do, demands money from you, and hurts you if you do not comply—and that is always what "government" is and does—then it is not your servant; it is your master.

      • ( stay tuned for part two ) * * *
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