US Presidential candidates: The Reality

I support the Green Party. Jill Stein makes an excellent candidate. Here are my top 10 reasons.

  1. Our environment is all we have. Ecological wisdom is recognizing that we are a part of nature, not apart from nature.
  2. End the failed and stupid "war on drugs" and the ridiculous incarceration rates in the US. Way too many people are going to prison for petty drug crimes when they should be getting help. That's how you improve a society! Embrace the potential benefits of currently illegal drugs. Understand what can we do to help people who are addicted to the worst of drugs. Tax and regulate: We have to make some money to support these other programs!
  3. Full and equal rights for minority groups. This is a big one. Very protective of anti-discrimination for LGBT, people of color, and women. We do want a woman for president right?
  4. Nuanced foreign policy and nuclear policy. They understand the realities of global politics and have lofty aims.
  5. Similar social policies to Bernie. "The ever-widening gap between rich and poor is destructive of democracy and creates an uneven playing field for economic opportunity." Improve the social safety net, universal healthcare.
  6. Increases to aid for students (free tuition for qualified students).
  7. Increased spending on arts and science grants.
  8. Healthy school meals.
  9. Massive electoral reforms. Our voting system is insane right now. It's non-representative and un-democratic. For instance they will enact "Instant Run-off Voting": Voters rank candidates in preference order. Eliminates the stupidity of worrying that expressing your preference for your favorite candidate will not inadvertently help their least favored candidate. Like now, we have to vote for Hillary or Donald might just win. Ridiculous.
  10. I love this one "Develop publicly-owned, open source voting equipment". Like blockchain? yes.

The media and organizations (RNC and DNC) may have misled us into believing that the choice of president of the United States is binary, but they are wrong. If ever there could be a time for third parties to shine through is now.

Trump supporters want a massive change to the established order. Check!

Hillary supporters want a qualified candidate, and liberal policies, and (rightly) despise Trump. Check!

There is only one other 3rd party that could possibly win the election (ballot access in states totaling 270 electoral votes) and that's the Libertarians running Gary Johnston. He is also pretty cool and significantly better than either one of the so-called "choices".

I encourage everyone to look at the issues, look at themselves and their wants for the United States and the planet and actually vote for what they want! Let's not be swayed by the media. Don't let your mind be a prisoner of the establishment, we have a voice and we have a choice. Maybe this is the time, out of all this grisly mess, that we will vote with our mind and heart.


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