Gary Johnson is NOT a Libertarian.

Gary Johnson does not understand the bedrock philosophy of libertarianism, the "NAP."

See here:

It's not something I relate to! I'm sorry, it's not. It just goes right over my head!

Gary Johnson believes that under some circumstances, the federal government has the right to implement mass, forced vaccinations.

See here:

No, I chose to have my children vaccinated. I understand all the concerns that some people have, but for me personally, I made a decision to have my children vaccinated. I want people to make decisions and I believe in [opt-outs]. With the exception of a few states, everyone has an opt-out. But I also want to say that, as president of the United States, if I am confronted with a zombie apocalypse that will happen unless the total herd is totally immunized, I will support [mandatory vaccinations].

“You know, since I’ve said that … I’ve come to find out that without mandatory vaccines, the vaccines that would in fact be issued would not be effective,” he said. “So … it’s dependent that you have mandatory vaccines so that every child is immune. Otherwise, not all children will be immune even though they receive a vaccine.”

Johnson said he believes vaccination policy should be handled at the local level.

“In my opinion, this is a local issue. If it ends up to be a federal issue, I would come down on the side of science and I would probably require that vaccine,” he said.

Granted, the "zombie apocalypse" statement is his latest one. But as an anarchist I am left wondering, what exactly is he trying to say?
Sounds like a whole lot of milksop, flip-flopping bullshit to me, and at the end of the day, he still supports the mandate under certain abitrary conditions.

Gary Johnson supports the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, or TPP, which would allow international corporations to function above national, local regulations, and be immune from legal action.

We support TPP. We support NAFTA. I can remember being in the white house with Bill Clinton...I can remember working on NAFTA with President Clinton.
~Bill Weld (Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee)

See here:

He claims in another interview his advisors told him "it was okay" so that is why he would sign it. Has the man even read any of it for himself???

I don't see really how this is even an issue anymore, but oh well. I hope that the confused "anarchists" out there supporting this guy will come to realize that statism is antithetical to anarchism and that Johnson is indeed, as statist as they come. You have to be, to run for president and to wish to rule over your fellow human beings. Thanks for reading.


Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist residing in Niigata, Japan.

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