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Unjust Taxes


I think the way the USA does property tax is highly unjust. Every year you must pay the government based on the value of the property. This is a despicable way to tax people because it disproportionately targets the elderly and implies that we are renting our land from the government.

  • An elderly couple could buy a house that had been in a less desirable neighborhood back in the 60s. Times change and they find that their house is now in a trendy neighborhood. Property value skyrockets and they're forced to sell a house they have lived in for fifty years!

  • Elderly people are on a fixed income but their property tax can always go up!

  • A house that is paid for should be paid for. The elderly are relying on that house!

We claim to care about the elderly. We claim that social security should continue so they don't starve. If that is so why do we rob Peter to pay Paul? Why do we set up welfare, Medicaid, and Social Security and then put in taxes that target our most vulnerable. It's not minorities who need the most help; it's the elderly!