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"I don't support Colin Kaepernick's choice to sit during the national anthem, but I support his right to protest the government in whatever way he chooses. His freedom to protest was secured by the government troops." American tax payer

Being allowed by your master to protest against him doesn't prove that you're free. If you were in fact "free," then you would not have to protest. If you were free, then there would be no ruler to protest against.

Protesting against government tyranny therefore only proves that you're already a prisoner. Carrying signs or "disrespecting" national religious ceremonies is worse than a waste of time, as they only reinforce the bad idea that violent government authority is legitimate and that we must beg the bully government to leave us alone.

Freedom really means telling the violent mafia government and its goons to take a hike. But Americans don't really like freedom like they pretend to. In fact, they are quite afraid of it. Today, there are just too many chicken shit government worshipers who don't have the balls to stand up against this mob. Some hide under the American flag, while others pretend that bitching in public means that they're doing some good.

Both groups embrace their own slavery by deferring to the authority of the ruling class.

Google "freedom"