Imagine a world

I'm so thankful that the world is coming out of its hypnotic trance. Slowly but surely, Americans are starting to admit that they are not free. Today, not all Americans respond to accusations of their slavery with "America is the best country in the world. If you don't like it here, then you can always leave." Thank goodness fewer people in America today, get angry and possibly violent with someone after he points out that whenever an institution claims authority over the individual and robs him, then he is enslaved. Truth can not be concealed forever, as the irrational belief in lies can not persist forever.

Nonetheless, most Americans are still brainwashed to believe that slavery equals freedom. I talk to people every day, who still believe that being ruled over and stolen from equates to freedom. They have been conditioned to not recognize theft and slavery when either are being committed by government agents.

America's worship of government authority is no accident. Such cult-like obedience is required for government to exist - the belief in government authority is the fuel of tyranny. Certainly, if not for the existence of an obedient servant-minded collective, then governments would collapse.

Critical thinkers are the greatest enemy of the state. Thankfully, an awakening is happening. Many Americans are "waking up" and realizing that governments are inherently evil and are therefore unnecessary for civilized people.

Wherever you are on that spectrum, I have nothing but love for you. I too was once completely brainwashed to believe that government is necessary. Realizing that government is neither necessary nor preferable was a very difficult transition for me, which is why I don't expect many to heed my words nor abandon their religious belief in government authority, anytime soon. I can only hope.

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