Football fanaticism and flag worship.

I understand that people are very upset with NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick for not standing up during their religious ceremony. For different reasons, I too am disappointed with him. But let's tackle the reasons why most Americans are upset with him by asking a couple of questions.

Do Americans like being stolen from, by "paying taxes?" Do Americans like living amongst unaccountable police who violently enforce the commandments of corrupt politicians? Do Americans like engaging in a market that is interfered with by a mafia-government's monopolistic regulation? Sane Americans probably prefer freedom over these examples of government action. However, most tolerate it.

Like trained monkeys who fear the chastisement of their fellow chimps, most people pretend that they are free. Their self deception is reinforced during religious ceremonies, like when the national anthem is played before every sporting event. The trained monkeys, in fear of isolating everyone and looking like "that guy," stand and obey. They rationalize their compliance to this groupthink by lying to themselves. To maintain their sanity, they tell themselves that there are greater perhaps unknown metaphysical reasons for lying to one's self and for following the crowd. They regurgitate the mantra - "We owe it to those who killed or who died while fighting for freedom and for the flag." No. If you're not free now, then they were probably fighting for something else. Otherwise you'd be free. That's how it works.

Still Americans stand, and as if in some futuristic movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, the American hero is expected to fall in line and stand with the rest of the chimps. Well, this sports hero defied the your belief system! Too bad. He is the real hero.

When things like this happen in real life however, the entire matrix is threatened. The average flag worshipper immediately asks himself "why doesn't this guy have to stand?" Let's face it, if people started to question why the hell they must be forced into this religion, then the charade would quickly be exposed. So, people use a defense mechanism called cognitive dissonance, where they wilfully ignore the rational idea/explanation and embrace the less reasonable conventional idea. Even if it's morally wrong, they'll defend it; they'll even kill or die for it. For them, standing during the national anthem in worship of the flag, is better than embarrassing themselves in front of their fellow religious fanatics.

When a privileged member of the church defies convention, the sheep can't handle it.

Colin has thrown a hail Mary into their religion and the average religious fanatic doesn't know how to defend against it.

I say, good job, Colin!

Fuck the statist religion. To the fanatics who hide behind their cognitive dissonance, I say, boo fucking hoo.

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