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Breakdown on the deal they made to 'Replace' a sitting SCJ, Antonin Scalia. #Treason

@earthnation #whateverpost

I've never seen so much truth in the media in my life. I have to stop myself from calling it "The News". The connotation irks me. It makes me bring visions of CNN lying to me. So ill let that one go.

WikiLeaks uncovered a murder plot. We knew, when Seth Rich died. We had no idea the scope.

My fiancé showed me Alice's door. He pointed out the rabbit hole to me, and is now very frustrated that I have never stopped diving. I dug deeper than he did, and now I'm having to drag his thought processes along. I don't mind. I may have actually voted for Hillary if he had not shown up and showed me myself. He will come along. Propaganda is tricky business.

I talked to my dad yesterday and found the neatest treasure. His conservative self and my.. (I don't have any labels for myself anymore) less conservative? self were able to run the gambit of touchy political subjects and found that (drumroll please) We are in almost total agreement. What a joyous, woke family moment.

We are all on our own level of awakening. Some will pass through this fractal of existence and never become consciously aware of the truth of themselves nor this world, but I'm beginning to understand that the majority of those who made it physically to this time line are awakened to some extent. The shift in understanding and conversation; the shift in unity consciousness at this point cannot be denied. I think the crowds at Bernie rallies tells you that. Same with the Obama rallies.

These gatherings for progress are indicative of a society ready for change. The evil manipulation of the collectively desire for compassion and truth, notwithstanding.

You ever get so sad and depressed for awhile, and then become aware of it out of pure being tired of being down? When this happens to me I kind of get a self-disgusted feeling, I get mad at myself, but I don't beat myself up. I get up. I put my clothes on take a shower, clean the yard, play with my child and begin to fake it until I make it. Invariably, I come out of it. Some of the new New-Agers call this raising your own vibration. And I believe it, I am capable of this. Without pharma. And I don't know that we are always supposed to be up or OK anyway. The most profound understandings I have ever known have come through pain.

We are raising our vibration together in this country. Integrity matters in physics, it matters in spirituality, and as obvious as this might sound, in governance. We begin to see, as a collective, that without that integrity energy, shit falls apart. The center doesn't hold.

I don't do a lot of research. I work a little restaurant job, make little money, work lots of hours. Doing the deep, deep research is a job assigned to others. I AM LIGHT, I am an empathic healer and a witch, and I spread that light in some of the deepest darkest holes. You have no idea, unless you do.

I become aware of my own power in this manner more and more on a daily basis. I did not ever understand my own power. It is thrilling and if I'm honest? A little scary. But I don't focus there, it keeps me out from under the covers.

I surf on intuition and share with you fine folks those messages that ping my built in truth meter. Please enjoy this.

I love you. Love and light to you. Namaste.


Love this girl.
