After holding our breath for a week... the marching orders have been sent

After a full week with plenty of opportunity to jump before he was pushed, now the pushing has started.

Our morally impoverished president of South Africa has today been given final notice from his own political party. He has been "recalled" in writing as a deployee of the party.

Now we will see just how disciplined a party member he is.

Will it be like Mugabe? that he will continue to cling to the presidency after all and sundry have instructed him to go?
If he still refuses to go there is a motion of no confidence in Parliament looming.

Will he like Mugabe finally resign only once those Parliamentary proceedings have begun? or will he try some other tricks? challenging the proceedings in court? He is notorious for delaying tactics using the courts. It is how he has been delaying answering corruption charges hanging over his head for over a decade.

One thing is certain, so far he has demonstrated the thickest skin, total lack of conscience, and complete unwillingness to do the right thing.

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What slays me is how a man with his background and know to be corrupt could seize the reins of power in the ANC in the first place.

In the '80s NAT concentrated on disciplinary functions and guard duties in places such as Quadro (the ANC's main detention camp in Angola, sometimes known as Quatro), moving away from intelligence activities.
In 1987 Joe Nhlanhla was appointed director of the Mbokodo with Zuma his deputy.
A senior intelligence official testified to one inquiry that the "powers" of the Mbokodo were "pervasive". They did not consider themselves accountable "to the ANC generally or answerable to anybody specifically, other than its head".
The nature of Mbokodo can be best conveyed by an account of some of the allegations arising from the 1983 Quadro mutiny.
There have been three internal inquiries by the ANC into the camps scandal, and the horror stories that emerged are beyond dispute.
There were accounts of routine and bizarre acts of torture ­ beatings with barbed wire, bicycle chains and iron bars ­ and food and water deprivation.
Detainees were made to crawl through colonies of red ants with pig fat rubbed into their skin. A prisoner had his lips burned by cigarettes and his testicles squeezed with pliers; a detainee was buried up to his neck before being suffocated with a plastic bag; a woman had a guard masturbate over her because she refused to have sex with security officials. A trainee tried to commit suicide after his girlfriend was "taken away". People were locked up in goods containers, in suffocating conditions. And people simply disappeared.
According to the Motsuenyane Commission report ­ the most comprehensive of the inquiries ­ there were also "rumours of rampant embezzlement of funds, illicit dealings in precious minerals and theft of motor cars" by leaders of NAT.
Thanks to Zuma's predilection for secrecy, his part ­ or otherwise ­ in all this is difficult to discover. He is quoted fatuously in Gordin's book as saying details of the "operational events of those days" were the "property of the ANC, not his".
The little that is known about Zuma's "missing years" is no more than a confusion of dates to be found in government biographies and listings of commanders submitted to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Two murders are central to the story of the Mbokodo. The first is that of Mzwakhe Ngwenya, better known by his nom de guerre of Thami Zulu, or TZ.

For more detail on Zuma's shady past see here

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