Where's the push back on Cuban immigration policy. The hypocrisy of the left.


Reason number...like...one hundred at this point regarding why I criticize the Left more (at the moment).

Where are the people who aren't libertarians or conservatives attacking the Biden administration for openly telling Cuban refugees to not come here?

Sure, Biden hasn't said anything like, "They're not sending us their best." like Trump said of Mexico. In all likelihood, especially now, Cuba would be sending us precisely the kind of people that we want here.

So, why has the administration taken a hard stance against letting Cubans into the USA? Why have they gone so far as to say that they'll be turned right back where they came from if intercepted at sea?

Is it racism? Is it because the Democrats are only okay with immigration when the immigrants aren't likely to become Republican voters? Is it both? Can you come up with any reason why this administration, which is supposed to be better on immigration than Trump's, would be so damned opposed to letting these people come here?

Where's the outage?

Government is generally inhumane. Biden isn’t breaking new ground here. He endorsed and spearheaded policies that resulted in mass incarceration even though he was warned that would be the likely result. He’s simply another in a long line of assholes who have thrived as professional politicians. Trump was one, Obama before him (charming, but a drone-striking, deporter-in-chief asshole), and on and on.

FDR sent Jews back to their deaths in Europe, put Japanese-Americans in camps, and he has a beautiful space named after him in NYC, Four Freedoms Park, and the adoration and lionization of millions upon millions of Democrats forever.

Disgust with government should be nonpartisan. But the political parties have rather cynically nurtured a feeling among the public that it’s really important to choose a side in WHO runs government as opposed to AGAINST government. This is important to the survival of the political parties, though the self-serving assholes love making it sound like these pointless 6-figure jobs only exist to serve others, but wow is the cost in wasted resources and lives high.

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