Your Next American President, Hillary R. Clinton

Hillary Clinton Will Win the US Presidential Election 

And There's Nothing You Can Do About It

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this story are solely those of the author. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent fact. 

The establishment has long been in the business of Presidential Elections. No body can stop them from getting what they want, not even #HillaryClinton. When Bush won they wanted Bush to win. When Obama won they wanted Obama to win. When Hillary wins it's because they want Hillary to win. 

The #Establishment

A well oiled machine that is to big to collapse and whose members hold power and authority over nations and organizations. The machine is bulletproof giving commoners no feasible way at dismantling the beast. As long as the machine is living it will continue to grow and become stronger. It is possible to remove pieces of the machine but the parts removed will be used to improve the machine in various ways. 

If the machine is attacked by outsiders the members will always band together. They might pretend to be against one another, even going as far as feeding commoners bullshit lies via state sponsored mass media. The machine defending against these attacks is akin to commoners swatting flies with a hands free fly swatter. 

Bernie Shills for Hillary

Lets back up 4 months when #BernieSanders was pretending to be part of the race. In April he called Hillary out for  taking payment for speeches given to Wall Street firms. In may Sanders campaign said the #Democratic party would be courting 'disaster' if it nominates Hillary Clinton as it's #presidential nominee. And last week he finally did it, he endorsed Hillary Clinton because that was the plan the Establishment handed down to him from the very beginning and following orders is the top priority. I guess it's safe for us to say that Bernie Sanders endorses disaster and doesn't actually stand for anything. He's a part in the machine, if he wishes to keep his part in tact he must do his best at performing his machine duties. 

Hillary is Above the Law

The FBI director last week publicly reported that Hillary Clinton was 'extremely careless in ... handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.' Hillary has been defiant and deceiving in her response to these allegations. If this were a commoner they would be in jail, if this were Edward Snowden he would be in jail or living in a foreign country hiding from the #UnitedStates #government. The U.S. attorney will not prosecute Hillary Clinton because she is a part of the machine and the machine must keep gaining strength and power.

Hillary is Not Going to Win She Already Won

Hillary is part of the machine and the machine wants her to win. Hillary has her own personal shill Bernie Sanders. Hillary is above the Law she can break it and make it.  It doesn't matter what Hillary does because she is part of the machine and the machine a this moment needs her. Hillary won the United States Presidential Election and there's nothing you can do about it.

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