RE: RE: Socialism will Never Work
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RE: Socialism will Never Work

RE: Socialism will Never Work

It seem like nothing will ever work with only negative point of view and no constructive answers offered. Every system on earth till today is flawed. Even in US where democracy turn into a vote on unpopularity for presidential election. Trade across border had change many aspect of over international interaction and no one will get 0 negative news or critics over any system be it democracy, communism or socialism etc. It no longer about what type of system work best but under what system can people benefit most. Singapore had been criticise as being a dictaorship even thou it had a democratic election because it had less freedom that majority people don't mind giving up for security and prosperity. Today US is talk about being Divided States of America after being one of the democratic society. China communist style thou still need improvement in human rights issue but managed to bring millions out of poverty no one can deny. Socialism causing welfare bankruptcy is no fault of the system but of politicians using it to buy vote where free stuffs get over paid in unsustainable policies. Now it reach the max and tried use basic income to solve the issue once and for all with another good policy tool but poorly planned system to gain new votes. I hope its the 1% of the poor that can be called liar this article refer to as majority are labor exploited in poverty or low income range that never had the time to be on social media to even defend themselves. After poisoning the middle income with individualism or freedom to keep them diversified from the lowest income range, they will continue to get pressurized into admiting it's their fault for being poor.

The 1% won't get far in this century if they don't realize it's not them the world need but those labourers who are also the consumers that they need increase their income/spending power to create new markets and economy. The vocal lower half in developed countries are already voicing out strongly self interest but its the millions in developing or third world countries facing daily starvation, slavery, poor living conditions that deserve real sympathy. Even those living off the grid how many can 100% confident determine that every food, products they use or wear does not involve people living less than $2 a day as part of the labor.

Human will only progress further under a fully open transparent system regardless of political belief as controls can always be in place to ensure accountability. There isn't a need to ask for full support from whole population but unification of the 50% lower half will be sufficient to be a force the 1% can't ignore or need anti supporters vote to change government policies. Funding can be through social business fully owned by the people will to join and managed by professional like trust mangers. The MNCs can get AI or automation to replace workers but those robots can't spend to line their pocket if there is 50% lower income population choose to support their group on their own, in their own economy.

More details can be found on the Global Universal System I still researching I hope more writers can contribute in giving constructive solutions like mine or help me improvise with feedbacks instead of just giving the worst critics and left every readers thinking whats next then.

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