Why Donald Trump is my inspiration

Donald Trump The Best Candidate

Look at this wonderful and charming man he is clearly the most fit to hand you back Americas greatness. Donald Trump is an inspiration and the perfect man to become president as opposed to those satanic dictators that disgrace and spit on the title of president of the united states of america. Trump shows balls and compassion! His love for his daughter is bigger than any fathers love. He doesn't give a crap about what people think about him he shows courage and with his small baby hands and slick cut he is gonna spray the way to victory and thats not the only thing he has sprayed.

Donald Trump the Humanitarian and lover of Mexico

A lot of people assume the Trump hates mexico and Hispanics but that couldn't be further from the truth Trump has claimed several times that at heart he is a humanitarian and the every thing he says he has to think long and hard about before making the tough call. Not just that but it is well known that Trump loves Mexico and all its wonderful delicacies he often enjoys a good taco bowl in celebration of some of the most well known Mexican holidays!

Donald Trump and the Great dream of America

Donald Trump has a dream and a big dream at that, a dream of a great america where we follow the amendments. As the government has no power to change the constitution as the great founders of our america laid out these rules. That is why we must keep the second amendment for our right to bear arms allowing the continuation of the mass shootings the plague and riddle our country but don't worry once the Mexicans are gone we won't have anything left to shoot. But Donald Trump's dreams don't end there he wants to get rid of the 14th amendment which allows any person born in america to be an american citizens regardless of their parents status in the country. But don't worry we have a perfectly good explanation for this, It is Trump's dreams he can do what he wants. Do you know how much more work Trump would need to do to get rid of all the Hispanics if they had kids there. Remember Trump is a humanitarian so he doesn't want the kids to be sad so lets just draw a little black line over the word amendment.

Donald Trump and the Conclusion

I think I have explained why in great detail and 100% seriousness the reasons why Trump is the best possible option for the next president. He has a complete understanding of what he is saying and doing there isn't a doubt in his mind that what he is doing is wrong. Trump loves Hispanics that is why he has the right to say we have to kick them all out I mean the Hispanics are the reason that we as a country are in such a huge amount of debt and now that there is a common enemy for us to share as a country doesn't that make it all the much better. Weird I seem to be reminiscing about a certain man and a mustache, Gute Nacht!

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