So, Are We Back to the Pretense of It All?


I am not a pro-Trump nor a pro-government at all. I mean I am not from the US so I shouldn't be bothered right? That's just another form of pretense. But he's a perfect example, a harsh lesson. I do know that I hate authoritarianism but I am also burdened by "this freedom". I don't even like our own leader. Maybe I am an anti-statist which justifies why I exist in this space. Or maybe I crave to be ruled too and have a bit of guidance in this life hello? I am a bit of a thinking mess that I can't seem to put myself under a political tag. Anyway, I arrived at this because of everyday life, because of my truth, not because of cheap social media or some political tribe influenced me. To be honest, I don't really know where I belong in this whole political pretense. I am not well-versed in this class but what I've learned is that we don't have to be enslaved to our dogmatic beliefs. There should always be room for doubt - to question things. To change if needed to. To choose and live our truth.

Today's mood: diabolic.

I don't know maybe I am just annoyed today. Extremely annoyed with the pretense of it all. This whole shit show if you know what I mean. Come on, just because the devil's out now we can go back to loving and tolerating each other? Pretending that there is really such a thing as equality. Have we ever thought that maybe Diablo was put on that throne so we can expose the real human behavior in a natural setting of hate and prejudice? I mean at least now we know what humans are capable of. That has been made clear. We've seen how they've become the very monster they hate.

Maybe a few years ago I wouldn't think this way. But now as I get exposed to all humanity's vileness, what I like and don't like in this world has become crystal clear. The truth is, we all have preferences whether we admit it or not. There are certainly some people I could not tolerate and it will take up all my energy to differentiate each and every one. Their behavior pattern becomes my reference point to avoid trouble. You call it generalization I think which for me isn't necessarily a bad thing. I will probably avoid these people or probably not, it still depends on the situation. And if you want me to be even more real, I would prefer for them not to live around me. I will surely be mobbed if I tell these things openly, worst, get censored. I prefer to live in a harmonious setting where we "really like each other" and not just pretending and tolerating. And I wouldn't live somewhere else with people or with a leader who wouldn't like me either. Works both ways.

Would you rather be hated for who you are or loved for who you are not?

But thank Gawd for politeness and civility, we are not savagely murdering each other, yet. Thank Gawd for all the things that push us back to whatever decency left in us.

I live on this island for quite a while now and I have learned so many things. Now I can imagine that if the social triangle has been inverted - all hell breaks loose. There's probably a reason why there are only a few up there ruling around here, sure there are bad apples and exploiters amongst them no doubt, but it's all going to be chaos and apocalypse if we give "power to the bottom." I can imagine our beaches will be filled with trash, no more fish left, there will be lots of stealing, rape, and sexual harassment, the "new bottom" will be taken advantage of, animals will be tortured, there will be no more food left, all resources depleted. Lands will be sold to anyone, just to anyone. Because given the background and lack of education, these people have no capability to think about the future. Until there's no more left to this paradise, just pure utter chaos. So in the end, we have to choose the lesser of two evils. Now we live.

It baffles me how some groups out there fight for a cause or for people when they have never even experienced poverty for example, or have never even immersed themselves amongst the poor. I feel like, they don't really know what they are talking about. They have no idea of what they are really fighting for. And maybe, if I push them just a little bit out of their comfort zone, shock them with the inconvenient truth or something, their true colors will be revealed. The hypocrisy is exhausting.

I remember having lived amongst some people from this region that exposed me to a different reality. I've seen poor people overspending and wasting food. I've seen rich people saving money and eating leftovers. Perspective changes when you immerse yourself in the reality.

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