We Don’t Discuss White Supremacists Nearly Enough

Dash The Bomber writes: It’s hard to believe how far humans have come along. From those first steps out of the primordial ooze to eventually reaching the moon, it’s incredible to see how humanity has developed. Which begs the question, how are we still caught up in our tribal behavior? How have some people not evolved past seeing the color of their skin? And why is it that we still tolerate people who discriminate against others for their racial traits? More importantly, why do we ignore the racist institutions and systemic racism that permeates our country? And why is it that despite politicians claiming to make America great, all they’re doing is stoking racial tensions?


You can read the rest of the article here in my blog: https://dashthebomber.medium.com/we-dont-discuss-white-supremacists-nearly-enough-f51edf885d29

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