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Do You Notice These Things in Children’s Television?


My grandson was watching one of his cartoons. It was about robotic creatures bent on destroying the world. The good guys were trying to stop them. The bad guys referred to the people as “innocent bit players”. (That’s us BTW.) The brainwashing starts early.

I asked him about the storyline. He told me that if the bad guys destroy the world, we can rebuild it. It made me think, “How about we just don’t destroy it.”

I really wish someone could explain to me why this has to continue.


The PEOPLE absolutely have to stop participating in the nefarious plans of the bad guys. Quit being the pawns in the political chess game we call our civilization.

Here’s another Bucky Fuller idea, “Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.”

Pondering Human Insanity

