Has anyone here ever met a Republican who actually believes in free speech?


I sure haven't.

The reason I can't have any meaningful conversations with them about speech rights is that they insist on maintaining the act that they believe in free speech. I can even accept that many of them don't recognize that they are just playing a game. The problem is that If I want to make any headway with convincing them to believe in constitutional rights, I first have to convince them that such rights aren't a thing that they currently believe in, which is quite the mountain to climb.

Differences of opinion are fairly reasonable gaps to bridge as long as both parties are acting in good faith. Delusion, however, is something else. The majority of the time, when trying to convince Republicans to believe in smaller government and personal liberties, I get called a Marxist.

So anyway, let's remind ourselves that the rights we give up to a government we currently trust are rights given away to a future government that we most certainly will not.

The entirety of Republican beliefs in one picture.

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