Mahathir Will Investigate Allegations of Corruption in Various Institutions

Kuala Lumpur - Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says his government will investigate alleged corruption in state institutions. Institutions that will be investigated from the attorney general to Malaysia Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or KPK.

The investigation into alleged corruption will be carried out against Attorney General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, Malaysian KPU chairman Tan Sri Mohd Hashim Abdullah and Malaysian KPK.

"Our goal is to look for people who have shown a tendency to become corrupt or who have committed corrupt acts are known," Mahathir said at a press conference after holding a meeting with the Pakatan Harapan leadership board.

Mahathir said the attorney general had damaged his own credibility. He accused the attorney general of hiding the evidence of wrongdoing.

He also said he would study whether Malaysian MACC and KPU were fair or not. According to him, if there is an indication of error then he will make changes at the anti-government agencies and the organizers of the Malaysian election.

"If we find that they are biased or supportive of any group, including ourselves, we have to change it," Mahathir said.

He made sure the investigation was not revenge. According to him, the steps taken will be consulted with lawyers and administrators as well.

Earlier, Mahathir said his government would focus on the country's economic and financial management. Mahathir also promised to seek a billion-dollar refund allegedly missing in the mega-corruption scandal 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

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