RE: Network States w Sosnowcu. [POL/ENG]


Was this movie good? I know this part of history only superficialy. But recently it happens for me that
i take this dives into details of Polish history. I could recommend you movie called "Pilsudski", it's a story of one of the most prominent Polish fathers of nation. Time during world wars is my favorite in history of my homeland.

What if there were a way to use cubes to make very useful algorithms, which could assist humanity to realise peace within and on earth?

Ahh, I know where it leads! I read a little bit about matrix-8 thing on your blog. How is it going? In what ways do you work with this method? I find it pretty interesting way to attain consensus within bigger communities.

The most interesting subject for me is probably exploring possibilities of harmonious coexistance of people, nature and technology. You know, solar punk themed sustainable and peaceful future.

Thank you for food for thoughts!


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