Applin, Flapple, Appletun and Energy Search Pro Pokemon Cards

Hi. Another Pokemon TCG post by me. The cards featured here are Applin, Flapple, Appletun and a new ACE SPEC card called Energy Search Pro.

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Applin is a Basic 40 HP Dragon Pokemon that looks like an apple. The first attack of Nurients heals 30 damage from 1 of your Pokemon. Trip Over is the second attack which requires one Grass Energy and one Fire Energy. It does 20 damage plus 30 more damage if the coin flip is a Heads. I don't recommend using this as an attacker.



Flapple is one of two evolutions for Applin. Flapple is a Stage 1 Pokemon with 80 HP and is of the Dragon type. Sour Spit does 20 damage for each damage counter on the opponent's Active Pokemon for the cost of one Colourless Energy. The second attack is Speed Dive. It costs one Grass Energy and one Fire Energy to do 70 damage.



The other evolution for Applin is Appletun. Appletun is a Stage 1 Dragon Pokemon with 90 HP. The first attack of Sweet Melt costs two Colourless Energy for 50 damage plus making the opponent's Defending Pokemon not attack.

Wild Tackle for one Grass Energy and one Fire Energy does 130 damage with 20 recoil damage to itself. Appletun might be okay in a Regidrago VSTAR deck where the 50 damage could stun an opponent's Pokemon for a stall like tactic. I dunno.


Energy Search PRO

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The regular Item card Energy Search searches for 1 Basic Energy card from the deck and puts it into your hand. This Energy Search PRO ACE SPEC card allows the user to search your deck for any number of Basic Energy cards of different types and put them into your hand. I believe you can only do 1 copy of each Energy type. That is one copy of Grass, one of Water, one Lightning, one Dark, one Psychic, one Fire, one Metal and one Fighting. The maximum would be eight cards you can search for from Energy Search PRO.

This ACE SPEC card is not for every deck. Decks that require different energy types in its attacks or discards Basic Energy from the hand could greatly benefit from Energy Search PRO. What comes to mind include Alolan Exeggutor ex and Gholdengo ex decks. I don't see this ACE SPEC card being too popular or used as the use case is so niche. The price of this could be low at around 3 CAD or lower.

There is also the case where there could be more cards to be released that have effects or attacks that involve the hand and Basic Energy cards. You never know.


Thank you for reading.

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