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A Complete List of All Pokemon Characters

If you are looking for a complete list of Pokémon characters, you've come to the right place! This comprehensive guide has compiled an extensive collection of all the Pokémon characters ever created.

From the iconic Pikachu to the legendary Mewtwo and every Pokémon in between, this list aims to provide a thorough overview of the diverse and fascinating world of Pokémon.

Whether you're a seasoned Pokemon GBA Trainer or just starting your journey, having access to a complete roster of Pokémon characters can be incredibly valuable for reference, exploration, and enjoyment.

Get ready to dive into the vast universe of Pokémon and discover the incredible creatures that inhabit it!

What is Pokemon Characters?

Pokémon characters are make-believe creatures living in the Pokémon universe, a famous franchise crafted by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. They come in all shapes, sizes, and types, each with unique abilities and traits.

Trainers in the Pokémon world capture, train, and battle these creatures to become Pokémon Masters. "Pokémon" stands for "Pocket Monsters," indicating that these creatures are stored in small capsules called Poké Balls.

Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur, and Mewtwo are famous Pokémon characters featured in video games, trading cards, TV shows, movies, and merchandise, captivating fans globally with their charm and adventures.

Meet Them All - Every Pokemon Character Listed

Listing every Pokémon character would be an enormous task, as there are currently over 800 species of Pokémon, each with potentially multiple variations and forms. However, I can provide a list of some of the most well-known Pokémon characters:


This is just a tiny sample, and many more Pokémon characters exist in the Pokémon universe.

How to Unlock New Pokemon Character?

To unlock a new Pokémon character in most Pokémon games, you typically need to follow these steps:

Progress Through the Game: Advance through the storyline by defeating gym leaders, completing tasks, and progressing through the game's regions.

Encounter the Pokémon: Look for areas where the new Pokémon character you want to unlock may appear. This could be through wild encounters, special events, or specific locations in the game world.

Capture or Defeat: Once you encounter the Pokémon, you'll need to either capture it using Poké Balls or defeat it in battle, depending on the game mechanics.

Complete Special Conditions: Some Pokémon may require you to fulfill specific conditions before they can be unlocked. This could include completing certain side quests, reaching a certain level, or meeting other criteria.

Trade or Transfer: Sometimes, you may need to trade with other players or transfer Pokémon from different games to unlock certain characters.

Legendary or Mythical Pokémon: For legendary or mythical Pokémon, you often have to complete special in-game events or participate in real-world events to obtain them.

Use Special Items or Techniques: Occasionally, you may need to use special items or techniques within the game to unlock certain Pokémon characters.

Check Guides or Online Resources: If you're having trouble finding or unlocking a specific Pokémon character, you can consult guides or online resources for tips and strategies.

Remember that the exact method for unlocking new Pokémon characters can vary depending on the game you're playing, so it's a good idea to consult the game's documentation or community resources for more detailed information.

How Many Pokemon Characters Are There in Total?

As documented by Bulbapedia, the Pokémon universe encompasses 1,021 unique species spanning nine generations since its inception in 1996.

With each new generation, the roster grows, and the recent eighth-generation contributed 96 fresh additions, further enriching the diverse array of Pokémon.

Notably, the latest generation has introduced 116 new Pokémon characters, showcasing the ongoing expansion and evolution of the beloved franchise.

This continual influx of new creatures ensures that trainers worldwide always have exciting discoveries awaiting them as they explore the vast Pokémon world.

Which One Character is Best for You?

Determining the best Pokémon character for you depends on several factors, including your play style, preferences, and the specific game you're playing. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Type Preferences: Consider which types of Pokémon you enjoy using the most. Do you prefer fire, water, electric, or a combination of different types? Choose a Pokémon character whose type aligns with your preferences and complements your team composition.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different Pokémon characters. Choose ones with a balanced set of abilities and can effectively cover each other's weaknesses.

Battle Style: Think about your preferred battle style. Do you like to play defensively, offensively, or with a mix of both? Select Pokémon characters that suit your preferred strategy and playstyle.

Design and Personality: Some players are drawn to Pokémon characters based on their designs, personalities, or lore. If you have a favorite Pokémon based on its appearance or backstory, consider using it in your team.

Movepool and Abilities: Evaluate the movepool and abilities of different Pokémon characters. Choose ones with diverse movesets and valuable skills that can provide strategic battle advantages.

Availability: Consider the availability of Pokémon characters in your game. Depending on the game's mechanics and storyline progression, some may be easier to obtain or train than others.

Competitive Viability: If you're interested in competitive battles or multiplayer gameplay, research the competitive viability of different Pokémon characters. Choose ones commonly used in competitive play and proven effective in fighting.

Personal Connection: Choose the Pokémon character with whom you feel the most vital personal connection. Whether based on nostalgia, childhood memories, or simply a gut feeling, selecting a Pokémon that resonates with you can enhance your overall enjoyment of the game.

Considering these factors, you can determine which Pokémon character best suits you and your gameplay experience. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer, so feel free to experiment with different Pokémon characters until you find the perfect fit for your team.

Final Words

However, due to the vast number of Pokémon across various generations and games, such a list would be extensive and continuously expanding.

While it may be challenging to encompass every single Pokémon in one list, resources like the Pokédex within the Pokémon games or online databases provide detailed information on individual species.

These resources offer a user-friendly way to explore and learn about the diverse range of Pokémon characters, making it easier for fans to engage with their favorite creatures.