Pokemon Go Mania is Alive and Still Crazy As Ever

You'd think that by now the Pokémon Go mania has subsided a bit already. Never mind the privacy concerns about the game when it first came out and that it's been called "a government psyop conspiracy." Nope. People are still crazy about it, especially the people in downtown Bellevue park in Washington. And I'm one of the crazies.

So we (my wife and kid) decided to pass by downtown Bellevue park on our way home. It's Sunday evening so we thought that there'd be only a few people in the park. Downtown Bellevue park is the mecca of Pokémon Go players. We usually stop by there to level up and add to our Pokédex collection. There's always lots of people there roaming around like Walkers from TWD. But they're usually chilled and subdued in their own little world trying to Catch 'Em All. But today was different. The herd was bigger and more restless. Someone shouted "Pikachu!" and off they went! It was fun to watch people running around all in good fun. This is a video I took of the event.

We always stay away from the herd. But we were smacked in the middle when the frenzy happened. There was nowhere to go but stay put until the herd subsided. But what they didn't know was that I already captured Pikachu before they even started running. LOL. People are suckers :)

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