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Steemit Poetry Contest #13 + Winners of #12!

DISCLAIMER - Yes, I know that the Steemit logo has changed, but I like the old one more and do not want to change it :)


My Greetings To You!

I was not able to publish the post in time 'cause I had problems with the site... I could not log in. Someone else had similar problems yesterday at about 11 am - 3 pm UTC time? Today everything is OK... I don't understand yet what it was... the problem is on my side or not. Write to me please if anyone else had such problems.

The theme for Steemit Poetry Contest #13 - 13/Coven/Witches

About Prizes:

First Place - 8 SBD

Second Place - 7 SBD

Third Place - 6 SBD

Fourth Place - 5 SBD

Fifth Place - 4 SBD

Sixth Place - 3 SBD

Seventh Place - 2 SBD

Eighth Place - 1 SBD

Entries will be accepted within five days from the date of publication of an announcement!

Deadline - January 31 2:30 AM UTC

The winners of the Steemit Poetry Contest #12

1st Place - "LOVE NOW" by @nicolcron

I think ALL IS NOW! Or so I've been told

No past or future to shape and to mold

Fate writes a play and I guess we're the actors

So day after day it is these same factors...

Decisions today affect all our tomorrows

When focussing in on our joy or our sorrows


Can we all please learn to 'LOVE NOW' somehow?

The only true say we can have in this deal


And to smile inside, LOVE YOUR NOW and know this...

The PAST and the FUTURE, doesn't even exist!

2nd Place - "prepare for the unpredictable" by @gilmored

The future is unpredictable,

Unreliable at it's best.

If you're not wealthy

Any risk is close to the chest.

Some play it safe,

others take a chance,

I know the market's all a show,

Just a song and dance.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

No one really knows when a bubbles about to burst.

It's better to have and not need than to need and not have,

Could being self sufficient really be that bad?

3rd Place - "The Future Proves Our Past" by @lymmerik

What dreams may come tomorrow, and pass to yesterday?

The good, the bad, the sorrow; with time, they fade away.

The looking glass is narrow, yourself do not betray.

In everything be thorough, the morrow brings today.

The future proves our past, or should it pave our way?

When questions that we ask, are often held at bay.

The days go by so fast, do not be led astray.

Just keep your quest on track; it's black and white, not grey.

How is it we've endured, and not succumbed to fate?

Tomorrow is not secured, go live in love, not hate.

Savor all the soupe du jour, in health and wealth and play.

Today is tomorrow's future, take time to seize the day.

4th Place - "Growth" by @robhimself1

We power up, we push ahead

We post again, another thread

We hope and wish for an upvote

We wish for profit and for growth

We look ahead, to better times

When We make thousands for our lines

We cheer to see a few more cents

We think of promise it represents

One day We might, one day We will

One day our labors shall fulfill

One day We hope for a great score

So We keep posting, one day more

5th Place - "My Future Here Is So Unclear" by @hazem91

They say it's home you should stay here

But my future here is so unclear

I need these thoughts to disappear

But they keep whispering in my ear

"You need to reconcider your role

And take back what this country stole

from where I stand I see no goal

I only see this big dark hole

Few steps ahead in your way

so save yourself and run away

so you can fight another day

you're surely dead if you stay"

6th Place - "Silence Speaks" by @walkingkeys

Tears fall like the sands of time

Dreamers broke, looking for jobs

Hope lost like history's kids

Signs in smoke, looking for gods

Technology offering ocular forgiveness

Visions viciously demanding vengeance

Families hold dear when the future is near

Violent vibrations commands the entrance

Suddenly silence, spoke and softly surrendered

Love found steady, calmly clicking like a clock

Solemnly solutions were offered and rendered

Now wait for the future... it's watching like a hawk.

7th Place - "Retrospect of Tomorrow" by @ctrixx

The future tells a story

Of the moments yet to come

But the memories form only

Where the mind is viewing from

Awakened by the shadows

Of the truth of yesternights.

The days ahead seem hollow

For the past is out of sight

Searching for directions

To that story in your mind

Just pay today's attention

And the pathway, you will find

8th Place - "Future" by @sayee

Future is a word that gives us hope

even if our lives are sliding down the slope

never mind the restrictions

the future always beckons

beyond borders and line of control

eyes look up beyond the patrol

searching for peace beyond borders

trying to escape from the smolders

future is filled with brightness

hopes kindle the flame of happiness

let us hold hands and walk

towards the steady rock

Rules of The Contest!

  • Only one entry is allowed.

  • Your entry-post must be tagged both #poetry and #poetrycontest

  • The Title must be "SteemitPoetryContest #(with the number of the actual episode)" + the name of your poem.

  • You can use any types of rhyme - End rhyme, Cross rhyme, Internal etc.

  • The size of the poem - three quatrains (one quatrain = four lines).

  • Do not steal! The contest is only original works!

I wish everyone good luck and creativity!

Let's make STEEMIT more interesting and varied together!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.