Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.

A Life; Bending

If you have been following my page you may have noticed that my poetry has gotten smaller...and smaller. I have been immersing myself in the history and writing of the haiku (as well as other traditional forms such as tanka and renga). I have discovered western haiku, contemporary haiku, African American haiku...a whole discovery of these tiny three-lined worlds. Right now, I have found a home in brings me to this place that I call "the brink of unbearable inspiration". Along with my study on zen and haiku I have been working on expressing my own take on the aesthetics of beauty and art - I hope to make a blog post soon on my philosophical thoughts; this deeply reflective journey on life and writing has inspired me to publish a book which will be part essay, part collection of haiku.

Please share with me your own philosophy of life and if you have your own theory on the aesthetics of art/beauty.

This post, you could say, is a chapbook of my haiku as well as haiku-inspired poetry. Some of these are definitely not in the philosophy but are poems I felt inspired to write when I was "reclined in the state of zen" (though some of these are strict to the "rules" of the haiku tradition).

Though this book will be a project for my own joy I am curious if any of you Steemians would be interested in a hardcopy version of my poetry? Let me know <3

You go
I cry
a river longs for sleep


Some hop over,
some stomp through;
the puddle


The tree bark cracks
Thick with moss;
Another birthday


Even the dead
he visits;
the wasp
at my vase


How envious
that the pigeon begs
no purpose


pricking the breeze;
sew the scent of evergreen


The puddle,
spills my reflection
down a street grate


Predicting rain,
and yet
I forget the season


Sitting in the silent room,
your music
comes to mind


Through aphid lace
Speckles my lover's back -
A thousand windows invites this touch
Each freckle of light


The maple’s bough
lower -
dips the dancing moon;
not a leaf rustled


from her lips
inscribes the sky;
they fly -
two eagles


Dressed for moonlight,
only silver
only a whisper
to anoint skin
with skin


makes lakes
out of collarbones


Two suns
one mango, one fire
spill morning’s nectar
down my browned arm

Sticky and free -

These blue plains

I bathe in canopy


Waning silver lip
Sips the llapping floodplains
Of this slurried night;
A conch shell
Stranded at my window
An invitation
To hear your
One more


Altars left by winter;
the twigs of a bird nest balanced
on the twigs of a tree


Back to back they sleep,
two bookends
Under sheets


red wool caught
on the white willow


Floating down night’s bated breath,
my nakedness a raft
for this moon's trembling light;
drifting, drifting -
to carry
to guide,
the moon, to illume
even the slightest sigh
of love


Seeking warmth
above my bed -
the spiders' graveyard


Hiking for days,
all the trees
Mona Lisa


Sitting in the lawn chair
beckoning Ra;
damp leaves crisping
under foot

Health and Love, always
Zameena Zen

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