You Can't back down now

There is so much at stake
We've got a situation that we can't ignore
We can't pretend this is not happening
You can't back down now
This is serious
Don't pretend this is not happening
You can't back down now
Cos it happening at your backyard
And you can't afford to mind your business anymore.
We are all in the mess now
We are not backing down
Not right now
Don't close your eyes on me
Don't walk away
Cos there is so much at stake
Don't get me wrong i don't like confrontation
But someone needs to speak out
Don't back down now
There is so much at stake
If we don't stay together
With every big decision comes an equal share
The risk for even those not involved
There is so much at stake
You can't back down now
No, not right now
I need you you as much as you need me
Lets stand together and build our community
Together we can achieve more


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