Thanx To Your Company (Poetry)


I used to support you with myself ... so much so that I am so strong,
Even unknown faces do now ... thank you.
They do not even believe this ... that is hidden in your eyes,
But they still keep doing .......... My every hope is successful

To fondle me with a fondness ... I saw the ray that you were,
That ray is inside me ......... one thinking new capacitance
I got the same thinking forward ......... she raised herself so much,
Even unknown faces do now ... thank you my articles.

If anyone gets together ......... for two moments,
So the wise people find it in the same way .......... Life's Flowers
I also gave you a new color every time ...... with your life,
Even unknown faces do now ... thank you.

Often when someone reads my articles ..........
So I would like to know my mind ......... I remember you
How did you with ......... Did such a magic to me,
Even unknown faces do now ... thank you.

To my successes ......... a new complainant,
I have done this since now and know ......... All handed to you,
Because you settled in my heart ......... changed me so much,
Even unknown faces do now ... thank you.

What are you doing with me? I have to keep my heritage,
Those who are often made of pearls ... I am able to lay someone inside a garland,
Then you worn the same garland ... I did my life so raging,
Even unknown faces do now ... thank you.

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