Busy Roads

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 06.08.17.png

The busy roads, they roar and hum,

A constant buzz that never seems to come undone,

A symphony of engines and car horns,

The chaos of traffic that twists and turns.

Amidst the honking and screeching of tires,

People rush hither and thither in a haste,

The traffic lights flash, red, amber and green,

As the cars nose and weave like a living organism.

The roads, they take us to different places,

To work, to school, to home, or to strangers’ faces,

They're a river of life that never slows,

And we are but droplets in the ebb and flows.

But it's not only the rush and clatter that the roads give,

It's the memories that they hold and the lives they live,

The stories of love, loss, joy and pain,

That make the roads a lively, bustling lane.

So as I walk down these busy roads,

I hear their tales whispered in the winds' nodes,

And I'm reminded of the beauty of humanity,

In all its madness and serendipity.

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