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The All Mother

In the beginning was nothing. A great emptiness even darkness sky stars and earth were born from it. All comes from and returns to her. The womb and torus of life. In the beginning was not the word was mystery psyche thought even before spark sound song. Heavenly voices spoke harmony into existence. That skill weaving flow from the abyss is creation. In the beginning was nothing and the nothing was goddess and she birthed everything just as women have for all of humanity. She is highest. Mother of God. Queen of Queens. Forever. Halleluna. The creator of time. In a day she gives life. A goddess is blessed with blood for a week stays alive. Every month she brings energy. Renewal. Changing your outfit her face decorations diapers and the sheets. Rising and falling with each phase of the moon season of the year. Sacred seasons phases time. Her months 13 sacred as the flow of life that made you. Goddess has the power to choose to spend 9 months of a year time existence how she wants to. Or not. Life death. Hers. Women created time counting days on bones til her next moon flow. Until the sun, who always leaves, returns. Hell Satan underworld Hades the darkness was lovely before you started threatening people to be trapped there the void is powerful alone empty. Was powerful before you. My goddess creates life from darkness heals the greatest pain blends medicines from herbs berries was the first midwife doctor and undertaker as the men bring warriors from the hunt war bleeding faraway places diseases. Women are the first obgyns surgeons pharmacists healers. Wisdom knowledge Sophia. Growth abundance harvest Cornucopia. Beauty love Harmony life everything good and holy. My goddess births every seed meal treatment. Your gods your goddess came from The Goddess. All of them. There was only ever one Holy Mother. The sun, all powerful Ra, he should thank her for his birth. For she is pleased with her sun. They have not created nor can destroy such a world that continually builds and destroys itself. Just as the moon waxes and wanes. It was birthed. It will die. It will be reborn. As will all of you. All of life. Not Jesus. As a tree grows and falls and feeds the next generation, just like the torus of existence, life, creation, that is the womb. We come from the darkness of the mother. We return to the darkness of the soil. We are forever held by the darkness of space. She is massive. She is all encompassing. Goddess. Not God. He should kneel to her. The womb giveth and taketh away. Not "the lord". Long live the queen and every queen that came from her. Tiamat Inanna Ishtar Lakshmi RuPaul Danu Maat Quan Yin Freya Aine Beyonce Hera Heket Morrigan Lilith Oshun. Every monarch pontiff and saint were born from the all mother. In the beginning was goddess she creates everything, and everything returns to her.
