Secrets untold

Secrets untold

How many secrets do you hold
Are they yours or from another told
Would you ever be so bold
To let it all flow despite the cold?

In the closets there be bones
And many lives lay buried
Upon mind and back the stones
Til across the river ferried

Walking the slow walk on chain
The ball dragging close behind
Digging in earth and leaving stain
Hoping that none will ever find

What is hidden beneath is it treasure
Is holding on for life the pleasure
Would release provide greater leisure
Or is vault held tight man's measure?

Seeing all that is open to be observed
Mental note of this, that and start
To the people favour could be served
Though to do so is to threaten heart

Lives separated by invisible wall
Words of meaning lost down cracks
Many kneel and some feign tall
As they continue to build their stacks

What is held tight begins to steep
As the mind makes incredible leap
Out from the fissures words seap
The secrets once sworn to keep.

[ a Steem original ]

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