"Float Like a Rock" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Let's start with a little Low-ku!!!

Engineered with spunk
Low fat sugar dumpling pie
The fridge hides the cheese

They aren't all gonna be winners! Ha!

Today was another baby-squashing day. She's a good kid. Takes a bit of ENERGY to keep up with her, but we had fun!


[This one was taken after lunch---hence the change of shirt. Kid's a messy eater!]

We read books, played with Colorforms, watched a bunch of music videos, ate dry cereal, and drew a picture. Here's a version with a bit of digital processing:

[Crayon and felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with SOME digital embellishments.]

Here's the "finished" version:


Bedtime. I have a short shift tomorrow, so I'm HOPING to get a book review written and maybe mint some more artwork on NFT Showroom! Only Bob knows for sure!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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