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Help me write a new poem, please?

Please suggest 6 words for me. They can be anything, just about. I want to practice my poetry skills, and Sestina is a form that I really have enjoyed trying to learn.

I'll ask that you avoid super (poetically) clunky words, such as chainsaw, boondocks, matrimony, or dinosaur. It's not impossible to write poems with those words, but when they need to be repeated as often as they do in a Sestina, the future of the poem looks bleak!

I'll try to write one up and post it. I need a little boost of inspiration, and I find form poems really help me. With Sestina, you choose six words and write 7 stanzas , 6, of 6 lines each with the 6 words repeating in a fluctuated pattern, and the 7th line is made up of 3 lines using 2 of the keywords in each. It's 39 lines total, I believe. It makes a poem a math problem.....

Give me your six words and wish me luck! Thanks dudes!