Coffee Philosophy || Filosofi Kopi

Missed in a cup of coffee
When longing not just pulled over.
Instantly the brain needs inspiration.
Then only coffee became friends until the wee hours of the morning.

Inhalation smells of a cup of coffee.
It will be a story that has not yet ended.
And I asked each drop of coffee.

There's a story behind a cup of coffee.
What ever you reap.
In a cup of coffee aroma.

I look at the coffee not as beautiful as yesterday.
Her sweet was not delicious yesterday.
Is it possible that the sweetness has spilled over another hug.

Now you're leaving a lonely opiate.
Who crashed in the lonely ocean.
Like limp coffee pulp.

Now longing still felt in a cup of coffee.
Lulled in the scent of dreams.
Until I do not know what else to do.

Now I understand the love of a cup of coffee.
Will a relentlessly delicious aroma.
Though it tastes bitter but it keeps the enjoyment unmatched.

Rindu dalam secangkir kopi
Ketika rindu tak jua menepi.
Seketika otak pun butuh inspirasi.
Maka hanya kopi yang menjadi teman hingga larut pagi.

Terhirup aroma rindu dari secangkir kopi.
Akan nikmatnya kisah yang belum juga usai.
Dan kutitip tanya pada tiap tetes kopi.

Ada cerita dibalik secangkir kopi.
Yang pernah kau tuai.
Dalam secangkir aroma kopi.

Kutatap kopi tak seindah kemarin.
Manisnyapun tak senikmat kemarin.
Apakah mungkin manisnya telah tumpah kepelukan yang lain.

Kini kau lepas meninggalkan candu sepi.
Yang terhempas dalam lautan sepi.
Bagai hempasan ampas kopi.

Kini rindu masih terasa dalam secangkir kopi.
Terbuai dalam aroma mimpi.
Hingga ku tak tau harus berbuat apa lagi.

Kini kupahami cinta dari secangkir kopi.
Akan aroma nikmat yang tiada henti.
Meski terasa pahit tetapi menyimpan kenikmatan yang tak tertandingi.

Thankyou for attention, dont forget follow me (@pritafaradila) and see u in the next post!😍💕

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