A Poem For Kayla : For The Pain Is So hard To Bear


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Of all the pain in this world,
And of all the emotions a man can feel,
Love is most hurtful and hard to heal,
As time flies by, it seems like yesterday,
With these faded picture your love lingers,

Yesterday when our hearts beat as one
As I reminece, thinking of those stolen moments
While I sit on a chair meant for two
The other side empty and cold,
The other space was meant for you,

Leave me not oh! Lord in the hands of torment
Suffer not my frail Heart to test
As my heart gradually slip into the shadows of pain
Let not my strength fail me at this time of woe,

For the pain is so hard to bear
And my contrition are ever before me
I will take our fond memories
And carve them with my broken arrow
Then cast this frame,
in the passage way of my heart💓.

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