Learning diving

[Learning Diving]

It's still very clearly in my memory, "If we want to know about an organization then try to get in and recognize it." That's my first word in my world of lectures.

That was originally just from a push, until I tried to dive in. Nothing is wrong, even every organization has its own good intentions.
Every organization has nothing bad, just sometimes how the commander and his pomp are moving.

In organization, teamwork, togetherness, kinship, lowering of ego, responsibility, command, command, trust, etc. are indispensable.

The organization will look casual, when each of us is selfish, self-employed, unbelieving, not open to one another, etc. Although the quality of ourselves is good, but the true meaning of oranganisasi is not so.

So do not forget what the organization really is. Although the activity can not be festive, it can not be perfect, but what is expected in the organization is to train our softskill. Teamwork, public speaking, time management, etc.

Look for organizations that can make you contribute to the maximum. Look for organizations that move in accordance with your passion..

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